Basics of Markdown (.md) Files
An introduction to Markdown syntax for creating formatted text
Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain-text formatting syntax. It is commonly used for writing content that will be converted to HTML for web publication. Here are the basics of Markdown syntax:
Use #
to create headings. The number of #
symbols indicates the heading level (1-6).
Text Formatting
- Bold: Use ** or __ to make text bold.
- Italic: Use * or _ to make text italic.
- Strikethrough: Use ~~ to
- Unordered List: Use -, +, or * followed by a space for each item.
- Ordered List: Use numbers followed by a period and a space for each item
Links and Images
- Inline Code: Use
to format inline code. - Code Blocks: Use triple backticks ``` to create a code block.